Welcome to PANGAEA® Data Publisher
Our services are open for archiving, publishing, and distributing georeferenced data from earth system research. The World Data Center PANGAEA is a member of the World Data System.
Latest News
Improved search on campaign/event labels
We improved our search engine to better match campaign and event labels when misspelling them during search. You can now enter labels like "GeoB10026-4" in various (incorrect) ways and PANGAEA will try to answer your query with relevant results. Examples are "Geob 10026-4", "Geo B 10026", "GeoB10264" and other variants. This new feature also helps with older Meteor campaign labels like "M22/4" that our users often query with terms like "M 22-4" or just "M22". Please be aware that searches using the fieldname syntax "event:label:" will always match exactly.
PANGAEA switched map display
We updated the map display on our dataset landing pages and search engine and migrated from Google Maps API to a free, privacy-friendly alternative based on Leaflet. As base layer we use tiles provided by the Alfred Wegener Institute based on GEBCO, GLIMS, GIMP, and SCAR resources. The default map should give you a quick overview, but in case you need more details or a higher resolution, you can switch to a variety of alternative base layers with the control provided top-right (e.g., OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, or Esri World Imagery). Please keep in mind that when switching to other map resources, third parties may gain knowledge of personal information, such as your IP address.
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- Error during search.